It’s the night before your graduation, from college, and I’m trying to write something that I’ve been composing in my head for almost a decade. It’s harder than the letter I wrote for Daniel. It’s more complicated. It’s so much more comprehensive. It’s simple. It’s more fragile. It’s unshakable. Just telling you how proud I am of you is so inadequate.

Today marks so much more than just your graduation from college. For me it’s a celebration of how you overcame all the struggles and hardships you’ve been through to get here. And while you may not think so, you’ve done it with such poise, judgement, class and finesse in the face of unspeakable obstacles, that would have flattened most people. Those are things that are marks of a strong and resolute soul that was always a part of you. Those things cannot be learned in college. I am so proud of you. You’re my hero.

Mother/daughter relationships are complicated. Boundaries fluctuate. Achieving independence is fluid and painful. But through it all, I have all the confidence, in the world, in you, Corinne. You have shown me, over and over, that you have the constitution only seen in history’s super human heroes. From the day you were born you brought immeasurable joy into my life. And if I don’t say it enough, you should always know I love you. I’m proud of the woman you are, and I’m here for you, as you shape the rest of your life.

It’s that simple. Even though you still don’t know what you want to be, where your life will lead, Youre the person I aspire to be someday. You are my hero!

After today, the rest of the world is about to see the woman I see in you. Savor the conquest. The world is yours.

Love always,


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